Valve and actuator protection

Thermal and passive fire protection solutions for dynamic offshore conditions.


Integrated or removeable

Protect valves and actuators located outside or alongside pipelines in installations susceptible to rapidly changing environmental conditions. AIS ContraFlex® suits hard to access places where performance issues may not be detected until platform operations are affected.

Mitigates condensation.

AIS ContraFlex® jackets prevent condensation before it becomes a problem.

Multiple platform applications

Suitable for valves including ball, globe, butterfly, check, gate and dual block and bleed (DBB) types. Jackets can also have an easy-access inspection hatch for valve or actuator maintenance.

Confidence from certification

ContraFlex® jet fire resistant jackets are fully approved by ABS, Lloyd’s Register and DNV. Extensive testing means reliability, plus hassle free operation and low maintenance.

Success stories

A 20 year track record


AIS provides all-in-one thermal barrier solution for major automotive OEM

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Advanced ROV-installed insulation covers successfully deployed in Azerbaijan

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AIS combines ContraTherm® C25 with engineered clamping solution to enable heavy lifting loads on jumpers in Brazil

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