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Jacket solution for challenging conditions in Kashagan field

Our ContraFlex® team designed, manufactured and installed successful PFP jackets to protect equipment in the event of a fire and against cold climates.

The challenge

The offshore Kashagan field is in Kazakhstan’s zone of the Caspian Sea. During winter, temperatures can fall to -36°C with thick layers of ice forming in this part of the sea. These conditions along with very high hydrogen sulphide (H2S) levels create challenging environmental conditions.

Our team worked with one of the several partners developing the offshore Kashagan field. We were asked to provide a robust solution to protect equipment in the event of a fire and against cold climates.

Another requirement was to certify protection of reduced thickness jackets for areas where clashes prevented the use of a standard system.

Our solution 

Our ContraFlex® team designed, manufactured and installed successful PFP jackets. The jackets are 100% made in country, allowing local surveyors and engineers to design the jackets. This ensured a perfect fit.

The performance of our jackets is not compromised with typical operating temperatures from -36°C  to +260°C, meaning the extreme environments experienced at the field had no impact. Years of product development and investment has resulted in both hydrocarbon pool and jet fire protection for up to 180 minutes.

With a waterproof cloth and drain plugs, our jackets significantly reduce corrosion under insulation (CUI), allowing for operation in locations that are conducive to corrosion. ContraFlex® PFP jackets are also designed and optimised for use in highly congested areas with clash points to ensure maximum thermal protection.


Our customers were delighted with the results. We provided a system that met the full specification. A smooth end to end manufacturing process ensured that we were able to meet the customers tight schedule and save on costly resource. Overall, the projects was highly successful.

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